SUPSI, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland is one of the 7 UAS in Switzerland. It has a university statute focused on applied research. ISTePS (Institute of Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Production) employs researches and engineers with a wide range of expertise for the transfer and application of technology in industrial sector. The Institute participates in a network of national and international centres for supporting SMEs. Key research areas are: Automation and Control; Mechatronic; Robotic; Artificial Vision Systems, Data Modeling, Transformation and Flow Management, Production scheduling, Lifecycle management and optimization, Simulation.
Participates through its Department of Innovative Technologies (DTI),
Institute of Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Production (ISTePS)

AMATHO (A.dditive MA.nufacturing T.iltrotor HO.using) is aimed to design, assess and manufacture a novel tiltrotor drive system housing exploiting the features of additive manufacturing techniques. Preliminarily, functional, structural and technological peculiarities of rotorcraft main gearbox housings are analysed and relevant requirements are issued.
Workshop sugli sviluppi dell’additive manufacturing
Workshop - 17.2.2023 Il gruppo di ricerca di AMATHO presenta lo stato dell’arte agli specialisti di Leonardo Elicotteri.
Thinking out of the box, with Clean Sky’s AMATHO
The gearbox housing of Leonardo’s Next Generation Civil Tilt-Rotor is benefitting from an innovative use of Additive Manufacturing technology to reduce weight, use higher performing materials, [...]
AMATHO Consortium is present at Le Bourget Air Show 2017, hosted by EU-CSJU2 stand
For more info see also: